This beautiful bouquet of hand-tied flowers is a floral delight of pretty pink sweet avalanche roses, heavenly scented white lilies and vibrant eucalyptus with green bell, paired with Beefayre's 90g BeeCalm Lavender & Geranium Candle.Please note the bouquet pictured is the chic size and the vase is not included.
This beautiful bouquet of hand-tied flowers is a floral delight of pretty pink sweet avalanche roses, heavenly scented white lilies and vibrant eucalyptus with green bell and award winning Dal Bello Prosecco
Beautifully fragrant white oriental lilies will arrive ready to arrange. A classic way to show you care. Please note the bouquet pictured is the Bijou size and the vase pictured is not included.
Description for Single Ended White Lilies Funeral Spray not available
This collection comprises of 3 top-size bulbs, the same as used by commercial flower growers in Holland, of gorgeous deep wine red of 'Amarossi''. These incredible Skyscraper Lilies grow so tall they look like trees! In their first year they will reach up to 1.5m (5ft) tall, but in future years, once they are fully established, they will get even taller up to 6 or even 7 foot tall eventually! The really do reach for the sky. These large flowered beauties arise as a consequence hybridisation between Oriental and Trumpet strains of lily hence the marriage of both species characteristics. Every flower carried a wonderful heady perfume and each individual stem can carry well over 20 blooms, which can measure well over 15cm (6in) across. Grow all 3 in large pots about 15cm apart, or in groups in garden borders. They have very strong stems, so should not need support. Cut them for a long-lasting displays in a vase, or leave them to marvel at in your garden. Allow the plants to die down naturally after flowering, and they will build up reserves for even bigger and better displays the following year. Fully Winter hardy, they will last for many years.
Our Skyscraper Lily Collection just got better!! The same incredible giant tree-lilies, but with two gorgeous new colours, this Premium Collection includes 5 spectacular varieties that are sure to make a statement in your garden. Growing so tall they look like trees, in their first year they will reach up to 1.5m (5ft) tall, but in future years once they are fully established, they will get even taller up to 6 or even 7 foot tall eventually! These large flowered beauties arise as a consequence hybridisation between Oriental and Trumpet strains of lily hence the marriage of both species characteristics. Every flower carries a wonderful heady perfume and each individual stem can carry well over 20 blooms, which can measure well over 15cm (6in) across. In this collection: Salterello - bright golden apricot to orange Amarossi - a lovely wine red Manissa - gorgeous soft lemon yellow Robina - nice mid pink with magenta tones Matisse - cream-edged to red centres, a classic two-tone Lily Grow all 5 in large pots about 15cm apart, or in groups in garden borders. They have very strong stems, so should not need support. Cut them for the long-lasting displays in the vase, or leave them to marvel at in your garden. Allow them to die down naturally after flowering, and they will build up reserves for even bigger and better displays the following year. Fully winter hardy, they will last for many years. Supplied as 25 bulbs (5 x 5 packs), ready to plant out from January - May.
This collection comprises of 3 top sized bulbs, the same as used by commercial flower growers in Holland - gorgeous soft lemon yellow. These incredible Skyscraper Lilies grow so tall they look like trees! In their first year they will reach up to 1.5m (5ft) tall, but in future years, once they are fully established, they will get even taller up to 6 or even 7 foot tall eventually! These large flowered beauties arise as a consequence hybridisation between Oriental and Trumpet strains of lily hence the marriage of both species characteristics. Every flower delivers a wonderful heady perfume and each individual stem can carry well over 20 blooms, which can measure well over 15cm (6in) across. Grow all 3 in large pots about 15cm apart, or in groups in garden borders. They have very strong stems, so should not need support. Cut them for the long-lasting displays in the vase, or leave them to marvel at in your garden. Allow them to die down naturally after flowering, and they will build up reserves for even bigger and better displays the following year. Fully Winter hardy, they will last for many years.
This collection comprises of 5 top sized bulbs, the same as used by commercial flower growers in Holland - gorgeous soft lemon yellow. These incredible Skyscraper Lilies grow so tall they look like trees! In their first year they will reach up to 1.5m (5ft) tall, but in future years, once they are fully established, they will get even taller up to 6 or even 7 foot tall eventually! These large flowered beauties arise as a consequence hybridisation between Oriental and Trumpet strains of lily hence the marriage of both species characteristics. Every flower delivers a wonderful heady perfume and each individual stem can carry well over 20 blooms, which can measure well over 15cm (6in) across. Grow all 5 in large pots about 15cm apart, or in groups in garden borders. They have very strong stems, so should not need support. Cut them for the long-lasting displays in the vase, or leave them to marvel at in your garden. Allow them to die down naturally after flowering, and they will build up reserves for even bigger and better displays the following year. Fully Winter hardy, they will last for many years. Supplied as a pack of 5 bulbs, size 14/16, ready to plant out in January-May.
This collection comprises of 3 top sizes bulbs, the same as used by commercial flower growers in Holland, of gorgeous two-tone Lily 'Matisse'. These incredible Skyscraper Lilies grow so tall they look like trees! In their first year they will reach up to 1.2M (5ft) tall, but in future years, once they are fully established, they will get even taller up to 6 or even 7 foot tall eventually! The really do reach for the Sky. These large flowered beauties arise as a consequence hybridisation between Oriental and Trumpet strains of lily hence the marriage of both species characteristics. Every flower carried a wonderful heady perfume and each individual stem can carry well over 20 blooms, which can measure well over 15cm (6in) across. Grow all 3 in large pots about 15cm apart, or in groups in garden borders. They have very strong stems, so should not need support. Cut them for the long-lasting displays in the vase, or leave them to marvel at in your garden. Allow them to die down naturally after flowering, and they will build up reserves for even bigger and better displays the following year. Fully Winter hardy, they will last for many years.
This collection comprises of 3 top sized bulbs, the same as used by commercial flower growers in Holland, of stunning pink coloured Robina. These incredible Skyscraper Lilies grow so tall they look like trees! In their first year they will reach up to 1.5m (5ft) tall, but in future years, once they are fully established, they will get even taller up to 6 or even 7 foot tall eventually! These large flowered beauties arise as a consequence hybridisation between Oriental and Trumpet strains of lily hence the marriage of both species characteristics. Every flower delivers a wonderful heady perfume and each individual stem can carry well over 20 blooms, which can measure well over 15cm (6in) across. Grow all 3 in large pots about 15cm apart, or in groups in garden borders. They have very strong stems, so should not need support. Cut them for the long-lasting displays in the vase, or leave them to marvel at in your garden. Allow them to die down naturally after flowering, and they will build up reserves for even bigger and better displays the following year. Fully Winter hardy, they will last for many years.
This collection comprises of 3 top-size bulbs of the colourful bold and bright orange/yellow 'Saltarello' - a premium variety widely used by commercial lily growers in Holland. These incredible Skyscraper Lilies grow so tall they look like trees. In their first year they will reach up to 1.2m (5ft) tall, but in future years, once they are fully established, they will get even taller up to 6 or even 7 feet tall eventually. They really do reach for the Sky. These large-flowered beauties came about as a consequence of hybridisation between oriental and trumpet strains of lily hence the marriage of both species' characteristics. Every flower carries a wonderful heady perfume and each individual stem may carry well over 20 blooms, which can measure well over 15cm (6in) across. Grow all 3 in large pots about 15cm apart, or in groups in garden borders. They have very strong stems, so should not need support. Cut them for long-lasting displays in a vase, or leave them to marvel at in your garden. Allow the plants to die down naturally after flowering, and they will build up reserves for even bigger and better displays the following year. Fully Winter hardy, they will last for many years.