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Squash 'Sunshine' F1 Hybrid (Winter)
  • £3.69

All America Selection Winner. Trailing. Squash Sunshine is an aptly named 'Kabocha' type Squash with unique and attractive bright reddishorange skin with thick, bright orange flesh. Squash Sunshine produces fruits about 1.5kg (3lb) in weight, have a sweet, nutty taste when eaten raw, baked or steamed.

Courgette 'Venus' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

This neat, compact variety is ideal for growing on the patio. Courgette 'Venus' has an impressively long season if harvested regularly, producing heavy crops of delicious, shiny, dark green, cylindrical fruits. This reliable courgette also holds an RHS AGM. Height: 45cm (18). Spread: 75cm (30).

Courgette 'Tricolour' F1 Hybrid
  • £3.99

This colourful mix contains three varieties of F1 Hybrid courgettes. These vigorous bushy plants each produce a generous crop of shiny, flavoursome, spherical fruits of either pale green, dark green or bright yellow that look fantastic on your plate. Harvest them at golf ball size to add raw to salads or wait until they are tennis ball sized stuffing and slicing. Height: 45cm (18). Spread: 90cm (35).

Courgette 'Partenon' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

Extra early crops of excellent flavoured, dark green, slightly speckled cylindrical fruits. Courgette 'Partenon' has a parthenocarpic habit, meaning it has the ability to set fruit without pollination. So even when grown under glass or during poor summers when pollinating insects are scarce, you will have a plentiful harvest of succulent courgettes. Height: 45cm (18). Spread: 90cm (35).

Pansy 'Mello® 21' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.00

Mello® 21 has twenty one different shades and bicolours from black through to white. The flowers are an excellent size without being too big, smooth, well rounded, firm and upward facing on compact plants, held clear of the small foliage. A true spring, summer and winter flowering bedding or container pansy. Combining both cold hardy and heat tolerant genetic lines, it features formula mixing of seed to ensure as near as possible a balance of all 21 colours.

Pumpkin 'Hooligan' F1 Hybrid
  • £1.79

Trailing. A new development in 'Microwaveable Mini Pumpkins'. The attractive brightly coloured, small 75cm (3in) diameter by 5cm (2in) deep fruits of Pumpkin Hooligan are produced freely on trailing plants. Simply slice off the top, scoop out the seeds, replace the top and microwave for around 4 minutes to enjoy its delicious sweet flavour. Pumpkin Hooligan stores well at 10C for use throughout the winter

Courgette 'Parador' F1 Hybrid
  • £3.99

Golden yellow, cylindrical courgettes with a superb flavour and texture. Courgette 'Parador' is early maturing and will continue cropping prolifically throughout summer with regular picking. This colourful RHS AGM variety will look fantastic on your plate. Height: 45cm (18). Spread: 90cm (35).

Courgette 'Defender' F1 Hybrid
  • £2.99

Producing an early crop of firm, remarkably heavy, solid mid-green courgettes with yields that are almost twice that of some other varieties. Courgette 'Defender' has an open habit which lets you see and pick the crop easily. This RHS AGM variety also has excellent resistance to Cucumber Mosaic VirusHeight: 45cm (18). Spread: 90cm (36).

Squash 'Harrier' F1 Hybrid (Winter)
  • £3.69

Bushy. An outstanding early British-bred Butternut squash. In T&M's trials Squash Harrier F1 was the quickest to ripen, and was ready to harvest approximately 95 days from sowing. The bushy plants of Squash Harrier have an open habit allowing the sun to ripen fruits naturally on the plant giving added sweetness. Pear shaped fruits weigh 800g (1 3/4lb). 4 to 5 fruits per plant, with excellent long storage at 10C.

Courgette 'Black Forest' F1 Hybrid
  • £3.99

With a unique climbing habit Courgette 'Black Forest' makes a great space saving variety for growing in containers on the patio. The long stems will need tying onto a trellis or netting to gently train them upwards. Courgette Black Forest will produce heavy yields of dark green, smooth, cylindrical 15cm (6) courgettes if picked regularly throughout the summer. Height: 120cm (48). Spread: 60cm (24). *Reinstated in our 2012 range - coming soon.

Courgette 'Midnight' F1 Hybrid - Kew Collection Seeds
  • £3.29

The compact, bushy plants of Courgette 'Midnight' are virtually spine free, making easier harvesting of the delicious dark green, slightly-speckled courgettes. This compact variety is ideal for growing in containers on the patio. Height: 45cm (18). Spread: 90cm (36).

Marrow 'Tiger Cross' F1 Hybrid
  • £2.59

A remarkable new F1 hybrid marrow of the Striped Green Bush type but which is earlier, better cropping and more uniform. Marrow Tiger Cross also carries resistance to cucumber mosaic virus which can be a real crop spoiler. The attractive fruits can either be cut at 10-15cm (4-6in) as courgettes or left to mature as marrows. Marrow Tiger Cross is excellent eaten lightly cooked, freshly picked or is suitable for winter storage.
