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Tall Mixed Daffodils
  • £7.99

Bulbs such as Daffodils herald the arrival of spring and these bright bloomers are a must for everyone, with flowers from February until April. With their distinctive trumpets, there are few flowers which are as instantly recognisable. Perfect for pots, planters, beds and borders, and also make wonderful cut flower displays allowing you to enjoy them in your home too - especially as some are delightfully fragrant. Reliable and hardy, they're possibly the easiest plant to grow - you basically dig a hole, add the bulbs, cover them up and leave them alone! They'll grow almost anywhere too, even happy in light shade and prefer a free-draining soil. Leave the bulbs in the ground after the flowers have died back, and they'll reward you with bigger, better displays, each year for many years to come. Supplied as a pack of 50 bulbs, size 12/14 ready to plant out in autumn.

Narcissi Paperwhites
  • £7.99

Paperwhites, Narcissus papyraceus, are natives of northern Africa and southern Europe where they grow wild in the stony, free draining soil. The tiny pure white flowers may only be 2 cm across but there could well be 15 of them on each stem, each one carrying an incredibly sweet, heady fragrance. What's more, there will often be two stems per bulb, so the blooms really will be abundant. In the UK climate they are best grown indoors and if planted in November they will be flowering throughout Christmas, just 6 to 8 weeks later if the temperature is around 21°C. They take longer if they're cooler. Plant them close together for maximum impact and choose a fairly deep pot, as they have deep roots. If planting outdoors, ensure good drainage in a sheltered spot to avoid frost pockets. Supplied as a pack of 10 bulbs, size 14/15 ready to plant in autumn and growing to a height of 50cm (20 in) and width of 10 cm (4 in).

Eremurus Ruiter Hybrids Foxtail Lily
  • £7.99

It's not hard to see wy these are called 'Foxtail Lilies' - their huge long flower spikes are a dusky orange to red colour, and like a fluffy Fox's brush! 'Ruiter Hybriods' were one of the first series to be bred, and contain a mix of shades. They flower in yellow, coppers and reds, to pink and creamy white, and all shades in between. Grown for their amazingly statuesque, tall flower spikes borne in high summer they add a classic cottage garden feel and height to any mixed border garden. They also make stunning cut flowers in a vase, and will establish into slow-spreading clumps every year. Often perceived as tricky to grow, the secret is in planting well. Although they are roots, they need to be buried like bulbs, with the roots well spread out. Ensure they have plenty of winter drainage, but good sun and warmth in summer. Supplied as 3 bare roots ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 1.2 m (4 ft) and spread of 25 cm (10 in).

Allium Violet Beauty
  • £7.99

A terrific, award-winning variety of Allium which will flower year after year with globes of eye-catching violet! Allium 'Violet Beauty' produces round heads of dazzling violet stars which mix easily with other shades of blue and purple in the garden. The large, rich purple blooms can reach around 10cm in diameter, and unlike many alliums, have a subtle, sweet fragrance. Perfect for patio pots or planted in drifts in borders, they'll provide real spring delight! What's more, the flowers are loved by bees and butterflies so are perfect if you're looking to bring wildlife into your garden or help to encourage pollination. The blooms are long lasting and the seed heads that follow are equally lovely. Both are superb in floral arrangements and with so many bulbs included here, you will have a good supply for cut blooms AND garden decoration! Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come, and it's also recommended by the RHS as a 'Plant for Pollinators'. Supplied as a pack of 50 bulbs, size 7+ ready to plant out in autumn.

Lily Oriental Big News
  • £7.99

Lilies are without doubt one of the most striking and beautiful summer flowers, and the new and highly desirable Oriental Lily, 'Big News' is no exception. Boasting huge, extravagant blooms that are the most flawless, purest white with an incredibly rich, heady perfume, this is truly magnificent! The elegant, 20cm long white buds burst open into upward-facing, perfectly formed blooms that reach 30cm in diameter with gently arching, wavy petals. Stunning as cut flowers, making for bold, dramatic indoors displays, they also look fabulously decadent when grown in groups in large pots, and of course, they're perfectly at home in your beds and borders. Wherever you plant 'Big News' it'll be impossible to miss. Planted in spring or autumn, they'll return every year, bigger and better, and so easy to grow and care for, especially considering the amazing display that they give. Supplied as a collection of 20 bulbs ready for immediate planting.

Chlorophytum Comosum Varigated
  • £7.99

Instantly recognisable, almost everyone must have had the classic Spider Plant in their home or office one time or another! Hugely popular because it's so easy to grow, and fantastic for beginners, you just can't go wrong with these low maintenance lovelies. Long, arching variegated foliage hangs down the side of the pot making it ideal for sitting on a shelf or in a hanging basket, and as the plant grows, you'll see small white flowers and cascading stems appear carrying baby plants at their ends. You can let these hang down, or cut them off and pot them up to give you more plants. Indoor gardening is a great way to reconnect with nature and the range of plants that are suitable for your home is constantly growing, and tending your plants is a great way to improve mental health and wellbeing. Also, houseplants clear the air and remove toxins and in the case of Chlorophytum, particularly benzene and formaldehyde. Supplied as a potted plant in a 12cm pot, reaching a height and spread of 50cm (1½ft).

Crassula ovata
  • £7.99

Crassula ovata, more commonly known as the Jade Plant or Money Plant, is a fabulous succulent that's said to be lucky, attracting wealth, and is incredibly popular all over the world, and deservedly so! The shiny leaves of this evergreen, bushy plant are a rich jade green in colour with a slight red tinge to their edges. Although slow growing, Crassula can reach 2m in height, so it makes a bold and dramatic specimen houseplant, and as it loves the sun, you'll find the perfect spot on a bright windowsill or in conservatory. During late summer, clusters of lightly scented, small star-shaped white or pale pink flowers appear all over the plant. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. One of the easiest houseplants to look after, Crassula needs nothing more than a regular feed during the growing season, and little water. Supplied as a potted plant in a 12cm pot, reaching a height of 2m (6½ft) and spread of 1.25m (4ft).

Epipremnum pinnatum aureum
  • £7.99

An evergreen vine in its native Polynesia, where it uses aerial roots to climb up to 20m with enormous leaves that reach up to a metre across, Epipremnum aureum - or Devil's Ivy - is a true jungle plant. Luckily, as a houseplant it is much less vigorous, yet still retains large, glossy green leaves with yellow streaks which grow to 10cm (4in) long. The trailing stems will grow and grow unless you cut them back, making this an ideal plant for hanging baskets, or climbing up a support such as a moss pole and it looks fantastic cascading down shelving. Incredibly tolerant of low light, Epipremnum will even retain its leaf colour in near darkness. They're so easy and undemanding to look after, requiring just a little trimming to keep them in check, and avoid overwatering. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven performer. House plants are a great help for improving our physical health and wellbeing by filtering harmful pollutants from the air inside our homes. Supplied as a potted plant in a 12cm pot, growing to a height and spread of 2m (6½ft).

Epipremnum pinnatum Marble Queen
  • £7.99

Also known as Devil's Ivy, Epipremnum is an evergreen vine native to Polynesia, where it uses aerial roots to climb up to 20m with enormous leaves that reach up to a metre across - a genuine jungle plant! However, as a houseplant it is much less vigorous. 'Marble Queen' has magnificent, glossy variegated green and white leaves which grow to 10cm (4in) long. The trailing stems will grow and grow unless you cut them back, making this an ideal plant for hanging baskets, or climbing up a support such as a moss pole and it looks fantastic cascading down shelving. Incredibly tolerant of low light, Epipremnum will even retain its leaf colour in near darkness. They're so easy and undemanding to look after, requiring just a little trimming to keep them in check, and avoid overwatering. Leafy tropical houseplants are great for clearing the air and filtering out harmful pollutants in our homes, as well as improving our physical health and wellbeing. Supplied as a potted plant in a 12cm pot, growing to a height and spread of 2m (6½ft).

Achillea millefolium Cerise Queen
  • £7.99

Just picture it, mounds of fragrant, fern-like foliage and the most amazing flat blooms of bright pink all summer. A perfect choice for a cut flower garden, Achilliea produces flat table-tops of small daisy-like flowers that stand tall on long stems above the contrasting bushy green foliage. Growing as tall as 60cm, the bright cerise pink tone of the blooms will contrast effortlessly with other broader plants. The 'Cerise Queen' is an easy-grow perennial that will thrive in full sun and will tolerate even poor soils however well drained soil is essential. These beautiful blooms are a must if you are wanting to attract butterflys. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot.

Geranium cantabrigiense Biokovo
  • £7.99

This Geranium cantabrigiense 'Biokovo' is one of those invaluable plants that not only looks good but is perfect for almost any situation. Perfect for cottage gardens, this hardy perennial is easy to grow and will not disappoint when it comes into bloom. With small and delicate pink tinged flowers emerging in the summer, 'Biokovo' has gorgeous glossy green foliage, which quickly spreads to form a mound of foliage that is excellent for suppressing weeds. This Geranium will do well in both a sunny or partly shaded position in your garden, just plant it in some fertile and well-drained soil. Requiring almost no maintenance, you can propagate them by cutting them back after they have flowered and then divide them in either early autumn or early spring. It is also recommended by the RHS as a 'Plant for Pollinators', thanks to its flowers that are a favourite with butterflies and bees. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, ready to plant.

Gypsophila Pretty Maid
  • £7.99

When thinking of Gypsophila, tall stems covered in tiny white flowers used in flower bouquets come to mind. But that's just one variety of this interesting and versatile perennial, which is a member of the carnation family. 'Pretty Maid', also called the Mouse-eared Gypsophila, is a compact plant which forms a neat mound of glossy mid-green, semi-evergreen oval foliage and trumpet-shaped flowers that look similar to small petunias, about 1cm across between April and June. The blooms are pure white with lovely pink veining and a delightfully sweet fragrance, appearing prolifically and standing out beautifully in contrast to the leaves. Happy in the ground and particularly attractive growing in pots, 'Pretty Maid' will thrive in sun or partial shade in soil that is a little dry as it doesn't like to grow in overly wet ground. Bees and other pollinators love this pretty Gypsophila, with its flowers being a great source of early nectar as spring gets underway. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, ready for planting, reaching a height and spread of 40cm (16in).

Agastache hybrida Apadana Orange
  • £7.99

Agastache is an upright, bushy hardy perennial with a long flowering season that blooms in spikes that rise from the foliage on stiff triangular stems. The aromatic foliage is mid-green and serrated with heavy veining, resembling catmint. Agastache is a member of the mint family, and the leaves can be used to make tea. Although many varieties of Agastache flower in shades of blue and lavender, 'Apadana Orange' bears clusters of golden orange tubular florets that completely cover the top 10cm its flower spires and open from the top downwards between May and September. Recommended by the RHS as a 'Plant for Pollinators', they are a favourite with butterflies and bees and other beneficial insects, and they make great cut flowers too! Preferring dry conditions, Agastache loves to grow in full sun and poor, well drained soil that's moderately fertile, so it's happy growing in dry conditions such as gravel gardens and coastal locations. It looks fantastic in a patio pot, perfect if you have heavy, rich soil. It is also very hardy and requires no additional feeding. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, ready to plant. Reaching a height of 50cm (20in) and spread of 35cm (14in).

Colchicum autumnale The Giant
  • £7.99

One of the most opulent and striking of the autumn-flowering bulbs, Colchicums are best known for their spectacular goblet-shaped, lilac-pink flowers in September and October. Colchicum flowers emerge first from their summer dormancy, earning the name 'Naked Ladies', followed by large, strappy leaves that are retained until mid-summer. Fully hardy and the perfect candidate for naturalising in grass, colchicum is one of those bulbs that surprise and delight every year when they emerge in a prelude to the main spring bulb event - giving us a taster of what the new year will bring. Each large bulb will produce multiple flowers and are an excellent choice for rockeries or for borders where drainage is good, and they can even be grown on a windowsill without soil in a hyacinth vase (or even a saucer). Easy to grow in good, fertile soil, the bright flowers of this autumn crocus are weather resistant too, giving a good display when many other plants are becoming dormant. Supplied as a pack of 3 bulbs, ready for immediate planting.

Clematis cirrhosa Wisley Cream
  • £7.99

In the depths of winter, when the garden is seriously lacking interest, how uplifting it is to see Clematis 'Wisley Cream' bursting into life! With their almost paper-like petals, its delicate, green-tinged creamy flowers nod like bells on a background of dark green, lobed evergreen leaves. Eventually reaching 4m (13ft) in height, this is a perfect clematis for growing in a sunny setting over a garden arch or trellis, which it will quickly cover. You don't even need to prune it, but if you need to control it a trim after flowering is all that's needed. Blooming from December until late February, 'Wisley Cream' is an invaluable early source of nectar, very much appreciated by insects as they tentatively begin to emerge. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot, ready to plant out.  

Parisian Dream Collection
  • £7.99

'Parisian Dream' is a serene collection of exquisite tulip and narcissus flowers that compliment each other to perfection. Including tulip 'Flaming Flag' and Narcissus 'Tresamble', both have white flowers, but with a subtle splash of colour. 'Tresamble' will come into flower first, during March, before being joined by 'Flaming Flag' shortly afterwards, creating a gorgeous colour combination when planted together, and they are wonderful, long lasting cut flowers. Tulip 'Flaming Flag' is a Triumph tulip, a cross between two exceptional varieties, Single Early and Darwin, creating an extremely robust tulip with superb weather resistance. The large, cup shaped flowers are pure white with a wonderful rich purple flame pattern on the outside of the petals. You'll receive 15 bulbs, size 10/11, growing to a height of 50 cm (20 in) and spread of 20 cm (8 in). Narcissus 'Tresamble' is a beautiful daffodil that has up to three flowers per stem. Creamy white petals surround a trumpet with a touch of yellow and they carry a lovely fragrance. Relatively compact with strong flower stems, they withstand wind and rain very well. You will receive 10 bulbs, size 8/10, reaching a height of 35 cm (14 in) and spread of 10 cm (4 in). Easy to grow in sun or partial shade, in borders or large pots with free-draining soil, plant them in autumn to flower in spring. They will give you a superb display which will get better every year as they begin to naturalise and spread. If you prefer, the tulips can be dug up and stored over winter.

Young Love Tulip Collection
  • £7.99

'Young Love' is a beautiful pairing of cream tulips that look like they belong together. They are Fosteriana, or Emperor tulips, bred for their superb coloring and sensational flowers on very robust stems and are some of the earliest to bloom in spring. A combination of 'Flaming Purrisima' and 'White Valley' tulips, the flowers are extremely large, growing to 10 cm (4 in) across. They have superb weather resistance and will stand up to the rain and wind of spring well. With the creamy petals and touches of pink and green, these graceful tulips are simply gorgeous, either in the garden or cut in a vase. Tulip 'Flaming Purrisima' has creamy white flowers with petals that gradually change to pink towards their edges with a delightful, feathered pattern and they are a deeper pink on the inside. Tulip 'White Valley' Rich cream, semi-double flowers with a touch of buttery yellow at the base of the petals, with outer petals streaked in green. Easy to grow in sun or partial shade, in borders or large pots with free-draining soil, plant them in autumn to flower in spring. They will give you a superb display which will get better every year as they begin to naturalise and spread. If you prefer, the tulips can be dug up and stored over winter. Supplied as 25 bulbs, size 10/11, ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 50 cm (20 in) and width of 15 cm (6 in).

Spring Storm Tulip Collection
  • £7.99

This stunning collection of large-flowered tulips will bring a striking touch of glamour to your spring garden. A combination of flamboyant deep, rich purples and pink, they work in harmony to spectacular effect. The colours look wonderful against the broad, grey-green foliage. Plant them in large groups for maximum impact. Tulip 'Black Parrot' is a flamboyant, showy parrot variety with incredibly dark purple flowers. The petals are deeply ruffled and cut to make this a spectacular looking tulip. It holds an RHS Award of Garden Merit. You'll receive 10 bulbs, growing to a height of 55 cm (22 in) and spread of 15 cm (6 in). Tulip 'Ronaldo' is a Triumph tulip, a cross between two exceptional varieties, Single Early and Darwin, creating an extremely robust tulip with superb weather resistance. The large, cup shaped flowers are a gorgeous rich maroon colour. You'll receive 10 bulbs, growing to a height of 40 cm (16 in) and spread of 15 cm (6 in). Tulip 'Pink' Superb, rich pink that creates a stunning colour contrast with the dark purple of 'Black Parrot' and 'Ronald'.You'll receive 10 bulbs, size 10/11, growing to a height of 50 cm (20 in) and spread of 15 cm (6 in). Easy to grow in sun or partial shade, in borders or large pots with free-draining soil, plant them in autumn to flower in spring. They will give you a superb display which will get better every year as they begin to naturalise and spread. If you prefer, the tulips can be dug up and stored over winter. Supplied as 30 bulbs, size 10/11, ready to plant in autumn.

Chouchou Tulip Collection
  • £7.99

'ChouChou' is a collection of the recently introduced 'Curiosity' tulips, an extremely attractive bicoloured variety with flowers that change colour as they age. It is a Triumph tulip, a cross between two exceptional and successful varieties, Single Early and Darwin. The result is a range of outstanding, robust tulips in a range of fabulous colours. The large, ivory white blooms emerge with bright magenta edged petals. As they age the edges broaden until almost the entire flower has turned to rich, vibrant pink that looks spectacular against to long, sword shaped leaves. They will thrive in sun or partial shade, and are ideal in large planters or in flower borders, especially in large groups, and the long, straight stems make them wonderful for cutting for indoor displays. Tulips are very easy to grow and care for and can be left in the ground after flowering as long as it's well drained, so you'll get another wonderful display the following year as they slowly naturalise and spread, or they can be dug up and stored over winter before replanting the following spring. Supplied as 10 bulbs, size 11/12, ready to plant in autumn, growing to a height of 45 cm (18 in) and width of 15 cm (6 in).

Skyscraper Lily Manissa
  • £7.99

This collection comprises of 5 top sized bulbs,  the same as used by commercial flower growers in Holland - gorgeous soft lemon yellow. These incredible Skyscraper Lilies grow so tall they look like trees! In their first year they will reach up to 1.5m (5ft) tall, but in future years, once they are fully established, they will get even taller up to 6 or even 7 foot tall eventually! These large flowered beauties arise as a consequence hybridisation between Oriental and Trumpet strains of lily hence the marriage of both species characteristics. Every flower delivers a wonderful heady perfume and each individual stem can carry well over 20 blooms, which can measure well over 15cm (6in) across. Grow all 5 in large pots about 15cm apart, or in groups in garden borders. They have very strong stems, so should not need support. Cut them for the long-lasting displays in the vase, or leave them to marvel at in your garden. Allow them to die down naturally after flowering, and they will build up reserves for even bigger and better displays the following year. Fully Winter hardy, they will last for many years. Supplied as a pack of 5 bulbs, size 14/16, ready to plant out in January-May.
