About has established itself as one of the UK’s leading multi-channel garden retailers, selling live plants by mail-order via the internet and other channels. has their own nursery over in rural Lincolnshire, spanning across 5 acres!

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Spiral Topiary Cupressus - Emerald Cedar
  • £39.99

Save yourself years of painstaking work by buying this ready-made topiary specimen - already crafted into a dramatic spiral shape by expert nurserymen! Creating a real show-stopping feature, this topiary cypress is the perfect plant to grace a handsome pot and place by patios, terraces or in front gardens as a centrepiece, or plant in pairs and place either side of doorways, gateways, pathways and entrances, bringing the plantsman's art to your garden to be admired for years to come. This form of Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' or Emerald Cedar as it is more commonly known, is dense and slow growing so keeps its shape well once trimmed. Easy to care for, there's really very little to do, just give an occasional light trim to maintain the shape to your taste, taking particular care to remove shoots from any bare stems. It will really flourish in a both a sunny or lightly shaded spot. Delivered as a mature pruned plant in 10L pot. Feed regularly during growing season.

3 Ball Topiary Cupressus - Emerald Cedar
  • £49.99

Save yourself years of painstaking work by buying this ready made topiary specimen - already crafted into a dramatic '3 ball' shape by expert nurserymen! Creating a real show-stopping feature, this topiary cypress is the perfect plant to grace a handsome pot and place by patios, terraces or in front gardens as a centrepiece, or plant in pairs and place either side of doorways, gateways, pathwys and entrances, bringing the plantsmans art to your garden to be admired for years to come. This form of Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' or Emerald Cedar as it is more commonly known, is dense and slow growing so keeps its shape well once trimmed. Easy to care for, there's really very little to do, just give an occasional light trim to maintain the shape to your taste, taking particular care to remove shoots from any bare stems. It will really flourish in a both a sunny or lightly shaded spot. Delivered as a mature pruned plant in 10L pot. Feed regularly during growing season.

Strawberry Tree - Arbutus unedo
  • £14.99

Evergreen trees that suit the British climate are few and far between and this is a perfect example of one that will give all-round interest.  With shiny, deep-green, leathery leaves, pretty cream autumn flowers and colourful fruit, the Strawberry tree deserves to be far more widely grown. This is an easy tree to grow anywhere and suits coastal regions too. It grows steadily, forming a nicely proportioned medium-sized bush, which is covered with lustrous foliage throughout the year. In autumn you'll enjoy panicles of creamy bell-shaped blooms, which are not unlike Lily of the valley in appearance and are are particularly welcome as winter approaches. The orange-red, globe-shaped fruits ripen in autumn from the previous year's flowers, giving the whole tree a very decorative look at this time of year.  Fruits are edible but sharp-tasting when raw so best left on the tree for their ornamental value - although they can be used in preserves. Supplied as an established plant in a 3L pot, ready to plant out.

Caster Oil Plant Fatsia japonica Spiders Web
  • £14.99

A uniquely spectacular evergreen shrub, Fatsia japonica 'Spiders Web' produces impressive, serrated glossy-green leaves that are highlighted with a frosted lacework of light webbing giving interest in any season. Also known as the Japanese aralia or castor oil plant, mature Fatsia plants will go on to produce exotic umbrellas of creamy white flowers, followed by attractive deep purple, almost black berries. Definitely a plant for any gardeners, whether novice or seasoned pro, f. japonica will grow well in any garden and is a great plant for difficult shady areas where other plants struggle - in fact they perform best in light, dappled shade, making a glossy backdrop to other plants with their amazing palmate leaves. Compact enough to fit in a large pot on the patio where its architectural shape makes a dramatic, tropical feature, plants really need very little attention to give you amazing results especially if you're time strapped. Supplied as an established plant in 3L pot ready for planting straight out into the garden, grows to 2.5m, flowers September - October.

Pittosporum tenuifolium Silver Queen
  • £9.99

With its dramatic, greyish-green leaves narrowly margined with creamy-white this is a decorative shrub that illuminates duller corners of the garden. Occasionally it will also produce dainty deep purple flowers, further adding to its allure. Easy to grow and care for and the perfect plant for less experienced gardeners, Pittosporum makes a good specimen tree or can be trimmed into neat hedges as it lends itself perfectly to topiary shapes. Not only does 'Silver Queen' make the perfect garden plant, it's also ideal for using in flower arrangements as the foliage lasts well when cut, making it a good foil for bright flowers. Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come.Supplied as an established plant in a 2L pot, ready for planting straight out.

Pittosporum Silver Ball
  • £9.99

Grown for its attractive, variegated dense foliage, the leaves of Pittosporum 'Silver Ball' are carried on striking dark stems. One of the hardiest pittosporums, it's perfect in a gravel garden or container to which its compact shape is ideally suited. A compact, rounded evergreen with creamy edged grey-green leaves will form a neat mound with very little effort on your part. 'Silver Ball' lends itself well to topiary and its natural shape makes it an interesting alternative to Box balls. During May and June small, honey scented bell shaped darp purple flowers appear, contrasting well against the pale shades of the foliage. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot ready for immediate planting, 'Silver Ball' will reach approx. 1m in 10 years.

Rhododendrons (Japanese Azalea) Collection
  • £14.97

A collection of three stunning Japanese azaleas to give you vibrant blooms in spring and year-round, evergreen foliage interest. Contrasting with the gorgeous flowers, the evergreen leaves are glossy green and provide a good foil for other plants such as colourful perennials - giving another layer of planting to your garden. Growing to around 100cm (40in) high and wide, depending on variety, rhododendrons (Japanese azaleas) are ideally suited to container growing, and this will also help to keep them compact and easy to maintain. Perfect for providing masses of colour in early spring, azaleas thrive in partial shade and moist, acidic soil, so incorporate plenty of ericaceous compost to the planting hole or container when planting. Blaauw's PinkAn evergreen azalea with double, salmon-pink blooms. Although compact, its branches have an open character, with attractive mid-green foliage for year-round interest. An RHS Award of Garden Merit holder, it is ideal for containers and the fronts of beds and borders, and will thrive in most garden positions. Flowers April to May. Approximate height 100cm (40in) and spread 100cm (40in). Geisha RedA stunning variety with large, long-lasting, vibrant blooms of bright pinky red in April to May and hints of reddish copper on the glossy green leaves in spring. Evergreen and compact, this is a perfect choice for containers or the fronts of borders.  A magnet for bees and butterflies, this hardy plant is also easy to maintain. Approximate height and spread of 100cm (40in) x 100cm (40in). Hino CrimsonAnother winner of the RHS Award of Garden Merit, 'Hino Crimson' forms a dense, evergreen habit with small dark green leaves that turn bronze in colder weather. Flowering from April to May, its branches are smothered in gorgeous ball-shaped, crimson flower trusses that will attract wildlife to your garden. Approximate height 75-100cm (30-40in) x 100cm (40in). Supplied as a collection of 3 x established plants in 9cm pots, 1 each of 'Blaauw's Pink', 'Geisha Red' and 'Hino Crimson'.

Gaultheria Big Berry
  • £6.99

Also know as the Checkerberry or Partridge Berry, this low growing evergreen shrub is an excellent choice for containers on a terrace or balcony and makes a handsome ground-covering plant for shady spots. Bell shaped flowers in pinkish-white open from May to July, but 'Big Berry' really starts to put on a show in autumn, when it covers itself in large, aromatic, bright scarlet fleshy berries 10mm across. This display lasts through the winter, so you'll really appreciate the colour during the darker months. Gaultheria prefers partial shade over sun, and will do well in full shade too, so it'll perform fantastically brightening up those dull spots that all gardens have. The soil should be neutral or a little acid, so us ericaceous compost especially when growing in pots. Supplied as an established plant in a 13cm pot, ready to plant out. Reaching a height and spread of 15cm (6in) x 1m (3ft).

Leucothoe Burning Love
  • £9.99

Leucothoe 'Burning Love' is an evergreen, multi-stemmed compact shrub with striking, arching red branches of narrow, glossy leaves which are deep red when new, before turning dark green where they provide a fabulous backdrop to other garden plants. In autumn, the leaves transform into fiery scarlet, so it really does give you year-round colour and form adding interest wherever it is planted. This ornamental shrub welcomes spring with drooping clusters of dainty white, bell-like flowers that last well into midsummer. A very hardy shrub, these are easy to grow and make perfect specimens in pots or in beds and borders where their colourful leaves can shine through the garden, preferring acid conditions and a shaded location. Growing to 75cm (2.5ft) tall and wide, we supply an established plant in a 2L pot, ready for potting on or planting out.

Skimmia Perosa Variegated
  • £9.99

A great choice if you're looking for a plant that looks good all through the year, 'Perosa' will deliver. Compact and easy to grow, it'll always give you something beautiful to see, whatever the month. Growing in light shade, the evergreen foliage is grey-green with a creamy edge. Red stems bear clusters of tiny maroon buds by the dozen which open to scented creamy-white flowers in the spring and are loved by bees, butterflies and other pollinators. 'Perosa' is a male Skimmia, so it won't produce any berries, but the gorgeous flowers and striking foliage more than make up for that. Slow growing, so little pruning is needed, this will keep itself neat and bushy. Perfect for growing in containers, especially near doors and windows or on the terrace so that you can appreciate the spring fragrance. Supplied in a 13cm pot for you to plant out, eventually reaching 75cm (3ft) in height and spread. Flowering from April to June.

Arbutus unedo (Strawberry Tree)
  • £14.99

Evergreen trees that suit the British climate are few and far between and this is a perfect example of one that will give all-round interest.  With shiny, deep-green, leathery leaves, pretty cream autumn flowers and colourful fruit, the Strawberry tree deserves to be far more widely grown. This is an easy tree to grow anywhere and suits coastal regions too. It grows steadily, forming a nicely proportioned medium-sized bush, which is covered with lustrous foliage throughout the year. In autumn you'll enjoy panicles of creamy bell-shaped blooms, which are not unlike Lily of the valley in appearance and are are particularly welcome as winter approaches. The orange-red, globe-shaped fruits ripen in autumn from the previous year's flowers, giving the whole tree a very decorative look at this time of year.  Fruits are edible but sharp-tasting when raw so best left on the tree for their ornamental value - although they can be used in preserves.

Azalea Evergreen Pink
  • £9.99

With its large, voluminous flowers, this Azalea welcomes the spring with its extravagant display of rich pink trumpet-shaped-blooms, which have a throat speckled in magenta and almost completely cover this neat, compact shrub. Also, the small, densely packed, glossy dark evergreen leaves make  this is a hansdome shrub all year round. Happy in sun or light shade and perfect for growing in containers - where it'll make a striking addition to doorways, terraces and balconies - but also happy in the flower borders. Just the thing for bringing a bold mass of colour to the spring garden! Azaleas are easy to care for, needing little maintenance or pruning. Requiring acidic soil, incorporate plenty of ericaceous compost when planting and keep moist. Supplied as an established plant in a 17cm pot.

Pineapple Guava - Acca sellowiana
  • £14.99

A fascinating and stunning looking plant, this Pineapple Guava is a native of South America yet is perfectly happy here in the UK. Like a bird of paradise, its flamboyant sorbet-pink and ice-white blooms will create an exotic display from late spring to early summer, bearing sweet nectar that is loved by butterflies and bees. In autumn this stunning plant then yields delicious, tropical-tasting green egg-shaped fruits with succulent flesh - similar to a kiwi but smoother in appearance. Enjoy them fresh or bake into pies and crumbles for a special treat. Bushes are evergreen, giving year-round interest. Hardy down to at least -5°C, when mature they reach a height and spread of 1.8 m (6 ft). They are very easy to grow and are particularly suited to raising in a large pot or planter.

Blooming Fast Superior Soluble Fertiliser 500g
  • £8.99

A complete fertiliser for use all around the garden, with a professional formulation that can be used on flowers, fruits and vegetables to give sensational results, this really is superior! So simple to use, just add one 5g scoop, included in the pack, to a gallon of water (4.5 litres) or a standard watering can, and water during the growing season. This pack makes up to 100 watering cans of feed - that's a lot of feed for your garden. You'll see fast, sustained results with bigger and better bedding covered in masses of flowers, perennials exploding into lush growth and bountiful crops from all of your fruit and vegetables. It's packed full of the most important nutrients and is high in nitrogen and phosphorous for healthy leaves, stems and roots, potash for bumper fruits and flowers along with 7 trace elements and humic acid so that your plants will thrive in every type of soil or compost. Supplied as a 500 g resealable pack of soluble fertiliser, enough to make 100 gallons of feed. Directions for Use Dissolve 5 g of feed (1 scoop, included in the pack) per gallon (4.5 L) of water. For spring feeding: Feed plants once a week between March and April.For summer feeding: Apply twice a week to support vigorous growth from May until September. Keep away from pets and children and store in a cool, dry place. Wash hands after use.

Strulch Mineralised Straw Garden Mulch
  • £20.99

Save time and money with Strulch Mulch. Lasting up to two years, you'll spend less time weeding, watering and feeding and more time enjoying your garden. One of the major benefits of using Strulch is that it includes an automatic pest control - the physical properties of Strulch mulch together with the embedded minerals deters slugs and snails, giving you a more organic way to deal with these bothersome pests! A mineralised straw mulch, Strulch is the new, environmentally friendly and efficient way of applying a mulch to your plants. Used by professionals, Strulch is light and easy to use, and being made from renewably sourced wheat straw it's a simple way to garden organically. Manufactured in Britain using a new preservation technique, naturally occurring soil minerals are used to stabilise and condition milled straw. This ensures that nutrients are release into the soil not taken from it - so plants remain happy and healthy. Another benefit is that the straw remains attractive for up to 2 years, giving a much more visually appealing finish to your garden, with a rustic, earthy-brown colour which will darken with age. Reducing the need for watering and weeding, Strulch suppresses weeds by up to 95% by blocking out light and prevents moisture loss by evaporation from the soil. It's also great for pest control as slugs and snails dislike the texture so will tend to stay away, while added minerals act as an extra deterrent. With a neutral pH, Strulch is ideal for use around the garden and is organically certified - use it in borders and pots, raised beds and around fruit and veg and in the kitchen garden. Strulch can also be incorporated into compost or soil to improve soil structure. We'll deliver these large bags direct to your door for ultimate convenience free of charge!

Vitax 6x Pelleted Poultry Manure
  • £24.99

Sourced from Somerset farms this this unique fibrous product is produced from poultry waste. A traditional favourite among gardeners, pelleted chicken manure gives outstanding results. A 100% natural fertiliser pellet containing everything you need for growing. Ideal for all flowers, shrubs, vegetables, lawns, outdoor pot plants, trees and roses, this is not an artificial chemical fertiliser, it's poultry droppings in a convenient, easy to use form. Directions for Use Flowers, vegetables and soft fruit: Two or three handfuls (140-210g) per sq.m (4-6oz per sq.yd.) when planting and a good handful as a top dressing when required. Avoid direct, undiluted, contact with tender young plants, scattering pellets about 50-80cm (2-3in) away and work into surface of the soil. Repeat at 2-3-week intervals for heavy feeders such as tomatoes and beans. Roses: Use two or three handfuls to each rosebush when planting, one or two handfuls for established bushes when the buds begin to swell and again before the second flush of blooms. Lawns: Aerate well, scatter approximately a handful per square metre - brush well into the holes to enrich the soil under the turf. Water well. Do not use after applying other high nitrogen feeds - leave an interval of about two weeks.Liquid Feed - Dissolve one or two handfuls of pellets in 4.5 litres (1 gallon) of water to make a first-class liquid feed for all plants. Especially good for grow bag plants such as cucumbers and tomatoes. Tips: 6X can be stored from one season to the next, but if storing for later use, partially used buckets should be closed tightly and stored in a cool place. As with all garden products, sensible precautions should be taken use gloves, wash hands after use, wash vegetables before eating, etc. Store only in the original container and keep tightly closed and in a safe place. Safely dispose of the bucket when empty. It is made of recyclable polypropylene. If you are allergic to chickens or feathers, avoid directly handling 6X Manure or breathing the dust. Some pets like to eat manure and, whilst eating 6X will not normally cause a problem, it should be discouraged particularly in pets with a delicate digestion. Coverage The application rates quoted are for use as a rough guide. For general digging, feeding and soil conditioning, one bucket will treat about 36 sq.m of ground (44 sq.yds). For lawns allow about 110 sq.m (132 sq.yd) per bucket.  

Doff Container & Basket Feed Concentrate
  • £4.99

A quality feed for all seasonal planted containers, tubs and hanging baskets, to bring the best out in your Summer floral displays. A perfectly balanced feed , it helps maintain healthy growth for bigger and longer lasting flowering displays. Makes up to 300 litres when diluted - or 20 watering cans full.

RHS Rootgrow Mycorrhizal Fungi 60g
  • £2.99

The UK's leading mycorrhizal planting product - as endorsed by the RHS. The completely natural way to look after the secret root system of all plants and trees, each pouch contains hundreds of thousands of naturally occurring beneficial fungi, which help protect roots from disease, and helps take up feed more effectively. Especially beneficial to get bare root plants off to a headstart, it works well for pot grown plants too -and can be used all year long. If you are planting in pots or containers, the natural biological soil bacteria are completely absent, so incoprorating Rootgrow as you plant introduces these natural benefical bacteria, which will colonise the compost, and benefit your plants for many years to come. Similarly if you are planting in poorer soils, or planting a new garden or hedge for the first time, introducing these goodies will help quicker establishment, and better fertiliser uptake in future. Tests have shown they can increase the active root area of plants by 700 times a month after planting. This helps your plants get away quicker and better, makes them, more drought tolerant, use fertiliser more efficiently, and make them more robust. And, because they are a living, evolving community, one application lasts forever. Each 60g pouch is sufficient to plant 3 larger bare root trees, up to 6 roses or shrubs.

Doff Tomato Feed Concentrate
  • £6.99

The perfect High Potash feed for maximum growth of tomatoes for fuller flavoured and bigger crops. This High Potash feed should be used from when first flowers are visible, til the end of the season. Ideal for use on outdoor and greenhouse tomatoes, as well as peppers an chillies too. Makes up to 300 litres of feed to use - great value.

McDermotts Swell Gel & Feed Plus –  30g trial pack
  • £2.99

This brand new and exclusive product represents the very best of commercial plant food and water retention technology and is based on over 25 years of Peter's hands-on experience of growing plants within the horticultural sector. McDermott's SwellGel & Feed PLUS is the complete food and drink for your plants and hanging baskets, and has been specially formulated to work even better than its next best competitor! A true garden essential, it contains an especially formulated high water absorption crystal, which locks in water and swells up to a gel in your hanging baskets, tubs and pots. Just a few scoops per hanging basket holds about a litre of water for your plants, so they do not dry out in summer, meaning less water used, less time watering and better results as all that water is locked into the root system, where it can be used to keep your plants flourishing. The multi-coloured granules contain some of the very best slow release fertiliser, and will feed your plants over a period of 6 whole months. Each granule contains a small dose of balanced fertiliser, slowly feeding your plants roots. Best of all, this unique formulation includes naturally occurring Humic Acid, the completely natural way to look after the secret root system of your plant, that is a proven plant tonic encouraging even healthier natural growth, which has been found to improve overall plant health, disease resistance and vigour. For best results, mix in at planting out and filling your baskets, containers, growbags and pots indoors and outdoors. Supplied as a 30g trial pack.
